Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Episode 49 - Receiving the Holy Spirit
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Of all the things that are important to walking with Christ Jesus, receiving the Holy Spirit is one of the MOST important things we must do. It is probably why the devil has filled the modern church with so many false teachings about the Holy Spirit, such as who He is, what His work is and how to receive the Holy Spirit.
This podcast attempts to put to rest some of those lies and misconceptions and explains what the Holy Spirit does and why receiving the Holy Spirit is so important.
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Episode 48 - Laying on hands
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
The practice of laying on hands was used for many things in the Bible. It was used for healing, appointment to ministry, appointment of elders and receiving the Holy Spirit, just to name a few.
It is this last point that I will cover in this and the next podcast as receiving the Holy Spirit is an essential part of the walk with Christ and the process to attain salvation.
To that end then, this podcast reveals some of the uses for laying on hands and why they are important to the modern church.
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Episode 47 - Progressing in your walk with Christ
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Walking in Christ indicates movement. It suggests a steady, ongoing progression with Christ as we move from a life of sin in this world to maturity in Jesus Christ.
There are stages in this walk with Christ and we see in the words of Peter what some of these stages are.
This podcast looks at the progression as we continue to walk in Jesus Christ that will eventually lead us to maturity and perfection in His name.
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Episode 46 - The Armour of God
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
If we are to fight the spiritual war that we are told as Christians will assail us, and if we are to stand against the spiritual hosts of wickedness that seek to harass and undermine our life in Christ, then we need the armour of God.
A spiritual war requires spiritual armour, and if we are to have the victory in the spirit we needs the weapons of warfare of the Spirit.
This podcast takes an overview look at the armour of God as defined in Ephesians 6. It is important that we take the whole armour of God if we are to stand victorious in Christ.
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Episode 45 - The Need for Knowledge
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
One of the most important things all Christians must do is to seek the knowledge of the truth when they come to Christ Jesus. There is mich that is taught in the name of Christ that has no biblical basis and is in some cases opposed to the Gospel of the Truth.
Knowledge of what is right and wrong will keep Christians able to stand and fight the spiritual war that rages about us.
Listen to this podcast to find out more.
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Episode 44 - The Problem with Tithing in the Modern Church
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Some sections of the modern Christian church have instituted the practice of tithing as the mechanism for financing the church. But this practice has deep and often unseen implications for the church that can sever Christians from grace and from Jesus Christ.
Listen to this podcast now to find out more.
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Episode 43 - Why you must be set free from the law
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Jesus came to die so that we can be set free from sin. But as part of His sacrifice, we are also set free from the law.
Understanding why this is essential and how this freedom from law works is crucial to walking in Jesus Christ. In fact the Bible says that if we seek to be justified by the law, we are severed and separated from Jesus Christ. (see Galatians 5:1-10)
Do you want to be separated from Jesus Christ? No?
Then listen here to learn why you must be freed from the law and how this works.
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Episode 42 - Do you want to be set free from sin?
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
If we are to stand before God the Father in perfection, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:48, then we must be freed from sin. Sin separates us from God and no sinner will ever come into His presence.
God has provided the means by which we can be set free from sin. Listen now to understand why we must be set free from sin, what we must do to be set free from sin and how this process works.
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Episode 41 - Importance of Baptism
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Baptism in water is one of the most fundamental and crucial aspects of our walk with Christ. It is so important that Jesus Christ Himself was baptised, even though He did not need to be. And Jesus saw it to be so important that it was one of the three instructions He gave His disciples in the Great Commission.
Listen now to learn why Jesus saw baptism in water to be so important. If it was important to Him, then it is critical to us!
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Episode 40 - What is righteousness by faith and how does it work?
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
One of the most critical aspects of Christianity is righteousness by faith. There is no other way that we can be righteous in the sight of God except by accepting His free gift of righteousness by faith that we receive when we believe in the power of God who resurrected our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
This podcast looks at the critical aspects of righteousness by faith.